
Featured Guest on Podcast | Radio | TV

Hear podcast, radio and TV segments featuring Heather Wilson of High Gear Success. Topics include recommendations and best practices for event organizers, as well as resources for racers to get sponsors and build their brand. Heather also talks about motorcyclist safety and training, in addition to sharing her career experience. 

View motorsports communications and marketing consulting services offered for racers, event organizers and motorsports companies.

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1 week ago

High Gear Success
👉 Racer on Demand spitting out facts! ... See MoreSee Less

2 weeks ago

High Gear Success
It's been a busy month helping racers and teams 🏁I'll be brutally honest regarding sponsorship. It's tough out there these days. 😬If you've been using the same tactics as 5-10 years ago to get sponsors, it's not going to work. ❌️ Sponsors are expecting so much more out of racers. 💻 When you hire me, you get so much more than a well-designed document. You get STRATEGY from an industry professional. I'll talk with you about a high-level marketing efforts that you can implement to attract sponsors. (PS -- If you want to go deeper, I can develop a marketing plan and help you fulfill it during the season) 🎯 Plus, you can rest easy knowing the information that sponsors are looking for will be included. 🏆 I bring the strategy and build the resume or sponsorship deck. 🏆 You grow the relationships and acquire sponsorship.Details:📌 highgearsuccess.com/racer-resumes/📌 highgearsuccess.com/race#racerresumep#racersponsorship##racingresumeRacerSponsorship #racingresume ... See MoreSee Less