Marketing a Brand and Archiving History Through Photography

Clint and myself are joined by Scott Lukaitis – Director of Sales and Marketing at Engine Ice and owner of Lukaitis Consulting. We chat about the evolution of Scott’s career and the importance of archiving motocross history through photography.

Find Scott on Instagram.

“But back to what you said earlier… What I feel like is cool about what you’re doing is you’re archiving history, right? You’re recording it on your website. You’ve got things super organized.”

Heather Wilson – Co-Host

“It’s a passion project for sure. Cost me a fortune. But it’s one of those things. I don’t have any sponsors for it. I never tried to get sponsors for it. I just run it. Like I said, for me, it’s always been a place to just share information.

I know I’ve posted old photos on my social media and I’ll get a message going, ‘Oh my God. That’s a picture of my dad. I never saw him on a motorcycle.’ or ‘Oh my God; that’s so cool. We didn’t know that picture existed.’

And that’s kind of fun to be able to share that with people. That’s what photos do. They create memories.

Scott Lukaitis – Director of Sales and Marketing at Engine Ice