Mic Drop
Scottie Deubler – The Voice of American Flat Track – joins myself and Clint on the show to tell us how he got behind the mic.
He also explains his perspective from the announcer’s booth at races and how he keeps up with the action on the track.
Aside from traveling to the races, he hosts a podcast called Off the Groove.
“Monster trucks, I’m on the floor and I can kind of peek out around the corners… Right now with American Flat Track, they have a setup in a booth that’s in the front of a semi, so there’s no windows. It’s got the padding all around it. There’s a big monitor in front of Ralph [Sheheen], because he’s the play by play guy. So that’s what’s going on on the track. There’s the same size monitor in front of me with about twelve different cameras, so I can kind of watch that.
If I can see something that’s happening deeper in the field, I can hit a button to talk to the other side of the truck and talk to the producer and say, ‘Hey, looks like a good battle for fourth.’ And then there’s the same size monitor above that, and that has all the timing and scoring.
So I watch a lot of things… I think what makes me a good announcer — what I’ve been told — is that I can pick things out that we need to follow, you know. What’s happening back here? Why is that going on?
Say the guy in fifth place just put the fastest lap of the race in there. I’ll try to get them to go back there and let’s see what he’s doing or she’s doing. But for different scenarios, I’m in different spots.“
Scottie Deubler, The Voice of American Flat Track